I own 136 fanlistings, with 0 upcoming. I have joined 1278.
Latest Owned: The IT Crowd
Random Owned: Dragons
Latest Joined: Aaliyah
Random Joined: Decorations: Pumpkins & Jack-O-Lanterns
The fanlisting for Gothic People is complete!
Adopted the Gandalf fanlisting from Lorian! I also finished the Event Horizon fl :D
I adopted the fanlisting for the beautiful song Syunikiss ~nidome no aitou~ by MALICE MIZER from Larissa! Thanks to her for letting me adopt it! :D
Three fanlistings completed: Mushrooms, Lilo & Stitch: Stitch and The Grudge :D I also have one I adopted and I'll update when the moved forms are sent.
The dual fanlisting for Angst & Fluff Fanfiction is complete. Join for one or the other, or both!
Another I adopted from Jess is finished! Extinct Animals! I love prehistoric animals so I had to try for that one :D Of course it also covers more recently extinct animals!
The third I adopted from Jess is complete: Black Holes! Also, Lorian has beautifully re-designed my fanlisting! The url has changed too.
Finished Oak Trees, Milla Jovovich, and Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly. I adopted three fanlistings from Jess, two of which have been completed: Parrots and Enya!